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Price list


*to shop online you need to own SKIDATA chip card with a code 01-XXXX (you can buy it at the cash desk) and register to our eshop

The tickets marked ** are valid also in our neighboring ski resorts U Čápa a Šachty. You can enjoy skiing in three different ski resorts with one ticket!

NOTICE! Point tickets are now non-transferable! When passing through the turnstile, you cannot hand the ticket to another member of the group, as was possible in the past.


Kasa / E-shop
Kids 4-13,99 y.
Kasa / E-shop
Senir over 65 y.
Kasa / E-shop
1 day (8:00 – 16:00) 770 / 690 540 / 490 690 / 620
2 hours 430 / 390 300 / 270 390 / 350
3 hours 610 / 550 430 / 380 550 / 500
4 hours 690 / 620 490 / 440 620 / 560
10 hours (60 minut blocks)** 1890 / 1700 1320 / 1190 1700 / 1530
Night skiing (16:30-20:30, WE, FR, SA) 260 180 240

Family tickets

  Kasa / E-shop
Family 2+2 (1 day) 2050 / 1840
Family 2+1 (1 day) 1750 / 1580

Tickets for couple days

Kasa / E-shop
Kids 4-13,99 y.
Kasa / E-shop
Seniors over 65 y.
Kasa / E-shop
2 days 1460 / 1310 1020 / 920 1310 / 1180
3 days 2090 / 1880 1460 / 1320 1880 / 1690
4/7 days+night skiing** 2750 / 2480 1930 / 1730 2480 / 2230
5/7 days+night skiing** 3380 / 3040 2370 / 2130 3040 / 2740
6/7 days+night skiing** 3980 / 3580 2790 / 2510 3580 / 3220

Point tickets

60 points** 400 
120 points** 700  
300 points** 1580

Single ride

  Adults Kid´s 4-13,99 y. Points reduction
A - LD Paseky (Leitner SA 4) 85 60 12
C - LD Pizár  (Garaventa SF4) 75 50 10
B - Kid´s ski lift Johanka (Tatrapoma P) 35 25 4
D - Kid´s ski lift Pepíček (MLV 75) 35 25 4
E - Moving carpet by the P4 35 25 4
F - Moving carpet by the P1 35 25 4


  Adults Kids
4-13,99 y.
Seniors over 65 y.
1 day 770 540 690
2 hours 430 300 390
3 hours 610 430 550
4 hours 690 490 620
10 hours** 1890 1320 1700
(in 60 min. blocks)
Night skiing 260 180 240
(4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., WE, FR, SA)

Family tickets

2+2 (1 day) 2050
2+1 (1 day) 1750

Tickets fot couple days

  Adults Kids
4-13,99 y.
Seniors over 65 y.
2 days 1460 1020 1310
3 days 2090 1460 1880
4/7 days+night skiing** 2750 1930 2480
5/7 days+night skiing** 3380 2370 3040
6/7 days+night skiing** 3980 2790 3580

Point tickets

60 points** 400  
120 points** 700  
300 points** 1580

Single ride

  Dospělí Děti
4-13,99 let
Odečet bodů
A - LD Paseky (Leitner SA 4) 85 60 12
C - LD Pizár  (Garaventa SF4) 75 50 10
B - Kid´s ski lift Johanka (Tatrapoma P) 35 25 4
D - Kid´s ski lift Pepíček (MLV 75) 35 25 4
E - Moving carpet by the P4 35 25 4
F - Moving carpet by the P1 35 25 4

Price list for groups in CZ »



Kid´s 4-13,99 y.

Seniors over 65 y.
1 day 690 490 620
2 hours 390 270 350
3 hours 550 380 500
4 hours 620 440 560
10 hours** 1700 1190 1530
(in 60 min. blocks)

Family tickets

2+2 (1 day) 1840
2+1 (1 day) 1580

Ticket for couple days

  Adults Kids
4-13,99 y.
Seniors over 65 y.
2 days 1310 920 1180
3 days 1880 1320 1690
4/7 days+night skiing** 2480 1730 2230
5/7 days+night skiing** 3040 2130 2740
6/7 days+night skiing** 3580 2510 3220


  • **These tickets are valid in Paseky and in U Čápa Ski Resorts and Šachty for day skiing. You can also take advantage of day skiing and night skiing in both ski resorts with tickets 4/7, 5/7 and 6/7. Attention! If you use night skiing on a day when you did not ski during the day, you will be deducted 1 full day.

  • All tickets are loaded onto chip cards with a 50 CZK deposit.

  • Payment at the kasa in resort is possible in cash or by credit card.

  • The ticket offices are located at the bottom station of chairlift LD Paseky - A Leitner S A4 (parking nr. 1) and LD Pizár - C GaraventaSF4 (parking nr. 4). The offices are open from 7.45 am to 4.15 pm. During the night skiing the ticket office is open till 20:30.

  • The prices are valid from 1.12.2024 to 31.3.2025.