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Price list - reduced fares

the prices are reduced by 15 % till we say otherwise


Kids 4-13,99 y.
Senir over 65 y.
1 day (8:00 – 16:00) 650 460 -
2 hours 370 260 -
3 hours 520 360 -
4 hours 590 430 -
10 hours (60 minut blocks)** - - -

Family tickets

Family 2+2 (1 day) 1760
Family 2+1 (1 day) 1110

Tickets for couple days

Kids 4-13,99 y.
Seniors over 65 y.
2 days 1240 870 -
3 days 1780 1240 -
4/7 days+night skiing** - - -
5/7 days+night skiing** - - -
6/7 days+night skiing** - - -

Point tickets

60 points** -
120 points** -
300 points** -

Single ride

  Adults Kid´s 4-13,99 y. Points reduction
A - LD Paseky (Leitner SA 4) 12
C - LD Pizár  (Garaventa SF4) 10
B - Kid´s ski lift Johanka (Tatrapoma P) 4
D - Kid´s ski lift Pepíček (MLV 75) 4
E - Moving carpet by the P4 4
F - Moving carpet by the P1 4


  Adults Kids
4-13,99 y.
Seniors over 65 y.
1 day 650 460


2 hours 370 260 -
3 hours 520 360 -
4 hours 590 430 -
10 hours** - - -
(in 60 min. blocks)
Night skiing - - -
(4 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., WE, FR, SA)

Family tickets

2+2 (1 day) 1760
2+1 (1 day) 1110

Tickets fot couple days

  Adults Kids
4-13,99 y.
Seniors over 65 y.
2 days 1240 870 -
3 days 1780 1240 -
4/7 days+night skiing** - - -
5/7 days+night skiing** - - -
6/7 days+night skiing** - - -

Point tickets

60 points** -
120 points** -
300 points** -

Single ride

  Dospělí Děti
4-13,99 let
Odečet bodů
A - LD Paseky (Leitner SA 4) 12
C - LD Pizár  (Garaventa SF4) 10
B - Kid´s ski lift Johanka (Tatrapoma P) 4
D - Kid´s ski lift Pepíček (MLV 75) 4
E - Moving carpet by the P4 4
F - Moving carpet by the P1 4

Price list for groups in CZ »

Price list for groups
  Group 10 to 20 people Group over 20 people
  Adults Kids to 13,99 y. Adults Kids to 13,99 y.
4 hours 510 410 440 350
1 day 610 430 520 360
2 days 1170 820 1000 700
3 days 1670 1170 1430 1000
4 out of 7 days 2210 1550 1880 1320
5 out of 7 days 2740 1920 2330 1630
6 out of 7 days 3240 2270 2760 1930

When buying tickets, it is always necessary to present a list of names of all course participants with their year of birth, which is stamped and signed by a school/other representative. We provide 1 free instructor ticket for every 10 course participants.


  • **These tickets are valid in Paseky and in U Čápa Ski Resorts for day skiing. You can also take advantage of day skiing and night skiing in both ski resorts with tickets 4/7, 5/7 and 6/7. Attention! If you use night skiing on a day when you did not ski during the day, you will be deducted 1 full day.

  • All tickets are loaded onto chip cards with a 50 CZK deposit.

  • Payment at the kasa in resort is possible in cash or by credit card.

  • The ticket offices are located at the bottom station of chairlift LD Pasky (parking nr. 1) and LD Pizár (parking nr. 4). The offices are open from 7.45 am to 4.15 pm.

  • The prices are valid from 1.12.2023 to 31.3.2024.